Saturday, September 1, 2012

Melissa Harris-Perry debates Class Mobility in America

Why is social mobility more common in one society than in another? Is it because one state did a better job at guaranteeing a strong safety-net for all, or is it mostly because one society has more risk takers than the other?

In particular, what has made class mobility decline in America over the last decades? Some believe that this was due to the lack of a minimum set of basic opportunities for all. Others think risk taking is what leads to entrepreneurship and class mobility. The current problem of class mobility in America, therefore, is that not enough people are willing or able to take risks. Perhaps, because the government is standing on their way.

In the following extract from the Melissa Harris-Perry show the host discusses this question with her guests. What do you think?

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Aired on 09/01/2012. What the full segment here.